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tv   NOW With Alex Wagner  MSNBC  August 20, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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million of the $1.3 billion yearly aid package. the eu will also consider withholding their nearly $7 million aid package in an emergency session to be held today. meanwhile, an egyptian court is expected to order the release of former egyptian president hosni mubarak today pending trial for the killing of protesters. against this turbulent background, yesterday egyptian police arrested muhammad badi, the speeiritual leader, in response to the six-week pro test that ended in violent clashes last week. joining us from cairo, and from washington, senior correspondent for national security and politics and the "daily beast." josh, i'd like to go to you first with your big news today. a scoop, if you will, about the white house's strange sort of back and forth over the question of whether or not this is a military coup and whether or not we are withholding $1.3 billion in aid. can you give us the latest as
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far as your conversations with senior administration officials? >> sure. the original sources came from senator patrick leahy, the head of the committee that runs foreign aid. he said the white house told him clearly most military aid had been halted while the administration conducts its review of all u.s.-egypt aid. the white house said before and after my story came out that there's been no policy decision to issuspend the aid. they're playing a word game, have their cake and eat it, too. basically, they want to preserve the flexibility to turn the aid back on if that's what he ultimately decide do, but at the same time for now most of the aid is not flowing. that's a fact. but this is something that the white house is not ready to talk about. so it's something they're trying to parse on background. >> josh, they may not be ready to talk about it, but it's, of course, out there. right? either one of you can read it one of two ways. one, the administration is trying to keep as many cards in their hand as possible.
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depending how the situation nets out in egypt. the other, very unsure what the foreign policy strategy is. what's your analysis of the situation? from 1600 pennsylvania avenue's perspective? >> yes, alex. you're right on both fronts. remember, leahy was the guy who wrote the law that said if the administration says there was coup they must cut off military aid and can't return the aid until egypt becomes a functioning democracy. lord knows when that might happen. what the white house is doing, trying to preserve their control over foreign policy. internally according to my sources they think it was a coup but don't have to say it publicly. they're going to act as if there was a coup to play it safe. at the same time, nobody know es what's will nap egypt. if the future, use it as leverage and have hand tied by congress. >> the eu is having an emergency meeting to determine what to do about european aid to egypt. collectively, i wonder, we've
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talked about the u.s. military not a huge leverage point in terms of ending vile, but if the eu acts, how much will that change the situation on the ground? how responsive does the egyptian military have to be? >> it would be, have very little effect on the ground. particularly from the perspective of the egyptian military. getting more resources from the united states. but no doubt about it. the way the situation is perceived on the street, an egyptian internal affair. being out in the streets, speaking to ordinary egyptians, many have anger towards the united states and the european union. they look at it effectively supporting the muslim brotherhood and the popularity in egypt, make no mistake about it as a organization, has declined in recent months. there's no debating about the popularity of the muslim brotherhood. you can talk about whether or not the military used disproportionate foerz, all of those things egyptians are debating. the popularity of the muslim
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brotherhood and alignment and perception in the eyes of ordinary egyptians taken stand with the muslim brotherhood is actually now having a detrimental affect on the people's perception about the united states and the european union. the short answer, is, no. >> as far as egyptian impressions of the united states, is there any sense the country and administration is sort of between a rock and hard place when it comes to egypt given the number of unknowns that are -- that the present turbulent situation? it's tiff to articulate let alone execute concern and strategic effort if the situation on the ground is so volatile? >> well, you know, the egyptian government has been clear about this. nobody's coming out and talking about cutting relations off with the u.s. they're talking about reviewing it, using the diplomatic lingo that's important for the count have a strategic vuf all foreign relationships. in the context, the military,
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being a close ally to the united states. as general ceaci said in his interview, he felt they turned their backs on the egyptian people. they won't forget that. right now it's a tight rope the egyptian government is walking, but the thing that's given the greatest boost or greatest confidence, in the past 72 hour, the amount of money and support they're getting, pledged from countries in the oil-wealthy gulf region including saudi arabia, kuwait, united emirates, all promised to give the egyptian government enough money to cover any shortcomings of aid, budget shortfalls, any financial assistance they need. they feel a little built more confident in the measures they're taking near egypt as a result of the support they're getting from arab countries. that inadvertently diminished the leverage over egypt for the
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united states and europe. and others playing a role here. talking about why the u.s. or add min installation to make certain decisions. one under discussed aspects of the entire egyptian uproar is that we get a lot from each other. in addition to the military aid we send them we get inexchange, if you will, access to the suez canal. flyover rights, and the pressure herb that the u.s. is put under from regional partners from israel and the saudis, both would like us to continue to support and not take an antagonist antagonistic position. almost agreed the u.s. should cut off aid. how much does the white house need to pay attention to the international community on this? >> several administrations threatened to use the aid to pressure egypt in domestic foreign politics. it's never worked or tried in earnest. bottom line, the aid s'more about foreign policy than egyptian domestic policy. it's always been unpop leer here
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in there -- unpop letter. and they want to make r maintain what little influence there is in light of all of the other growing influences that are now affecting egypt where the u.s. used to be the main influence. >> thank you to you both. stay safe, ayman. yesterday, texas senator ted cruz tried to put his very own birthing controversy to rest. after the "dallas morning news" published his birth certificate proving, yes, ted cruz was born in canada and that makes ted cruz a dual citizen, he renounced canadian citizenship saying, nothing against canada but i'm an american by birth and as a u.s. senator i believe i should be only an american. why the rejection of the maple leaf? because the whole born outside of the united states thing might upset the conspiracy theorists, a real estate mogul, donald trump.
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>> let me ask you this. ted cruz, born in canada. eligible to be president of the united states? >> born in canada, perhaps not. i'm not sure where he was born. >> definitely born in canada. >> okay. you'll have to ask him that question. but perhaps not. >> joining me today, managing editor of the and msnbc contributor joy reed and insider josh barrow. gentleman and lady. joy, donald trump is not yet done talking about birtherism and birther con speerspiracieco. even inside his own party, the chickens come home. >> and could roost, actually. obviously, ted cruz is not black. the birther thing doesn't apply. case closed. >> the thing is, josh, i mean, folk, trying to draw a line between the president, present president obama refusing to release his birth certificate and ted cruz' disavow of birth place and release of his birth
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certificate. in "the washington post," questioning about cruz' eligibility have everything to do with the question of the law. the obama question, the underlying facts. conspiracy theories about whether the president was actually born in the united states. >> no. that's right. think is a fake controversy. tedd cruise is eligible for the presidency. born an american citizen that makes you a natural born citizen. i think the, donald trump likes to -- stir the pot. it's august. >> that's sort of legitimate. i'm not sure donald trump was, found himself between a rock and hard place, as the administration often does, over the question he spent so much time waving this sort of anti-outsider birther flag, and someone finally got him on it. >> and the thing is the reason it's not a fake controversy, donald trump was at the forefront of forcing the
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president of the united states to prove where he was born. he fanned that controversy personally and with a lot of other crazy people and the question was, president obama's americanness. it was about people on the right, trump and other, questioning the very americanness of barack obama say heg was lying about the fact he was born in the united states. where'sas, ted cruz, okay. we won't talk about that. born in canada but we'll let it go. being's complete, utter hypocrites. donald trump should have the same attitude. he doesn't. it's okay. because he's a republican. >> it's not. he's raising questions. >> he was born in canada. >> it's not like donald trump is a loyal republican for the party's interest. >> you know who is? eric cantor. do we have a clip of eric cantor on "meet the press"? 's can we please play it? >> is it a legitimate or illegitimate issue? >> i don't think it's an -- it
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is not an issue that even needs to be on the policymaking table right now. >> why can't eric cantor just say, no it is not an issue that the president was born here. >> a lot of republicans have said that at various times. the question -- >> really? >> they kept facing it over and over and weren't trying to play a game. a significant part of the republican base buying into conspiracy theories and didn't want to denounce them toop heatedly. >> were? still are. >> not as many as previously. after the release of the long form birth certificate. by the way, the white house dragging it out, this issue made republicans look crazy. >> oh, that is -- i mean, maybe, maybe, or maybe they just didn't want to entertain completely -- >> madness. >> entertain madness. >> then they did release it at time it was going to produce the maximum political advantage for the president, during the whole uproar with donald trump and it led into the thing at the white house correspondent's dinner with the president making that
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hilarious line of jokes against donald trump. >> and i don't want you to under-sell the gravity of what i think the birther movement represents as far as the racial undertones, xena phobia that engenters in the united states of america. if you were president obama, would you not try to make this into if not teachable -- >> nothing wrong with mocking donald trump. put that out there. the bottom line, legislators in arizona attempting to put on the book as law to require anyone running for president to show their birth certificate. people attempting to legislate around it, not because of a dispute, a real world dispute about barack obama's eligibility. it was a way to challenge him as a person. to challenge his americanness fundamentally. now ted cruz, one of theirs, who is canadian, at least a dual citizen. who wasn't born here, and also had george romney born in mexico. john mccain, panama. they only challenge it when it's
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a democrat and happens to be the first black president. >> the arizona law, the reason that didn't become law, the republican governor vetoed it issued a tart worded statement saying it was ridiculous. the president to present thisci >> we have to move off this subject as we continue the ladies flame here. one of the few washington traditions that was above politics but apparently not anymore. today the 1972 miami dolphins will visit the white house 42 years after their super bowl victory and unmatched 17-0 nfl record. president nix didn't not host the team at the time because he wanted to snub his opponent for the record. nixon supported the dolphin opponents, the washington redskins. that's a thing richard nixon and i could have agreed on. even the most feel-good white
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house ceremony seems to be threatened by ideology. refusing the white house invite, at least three of them, wait for it, joy, politics. former lineman bob kuchenberg told the south florida sun sent natural, mom said if you have nothing good to say about someone, don't say anything. i don't have anything good to say about someone. langur added, real moral compass issues in washington. i don't want to be in a room with those people and pretend i'm having a good time. because it would be impossible for you to pretend to be having a good time when honored by the president of the united states at the white house. >> a/k/a, those people. >> a continuing threat of what we were just talking about. >> disrespect. >> yeah, and if this is one of those segments, one-handed pushes, gently obey, florida's got a right wing element to it. i wonder whether or not this person would have moral compass issues going to the nixon white house gishen the fact nixon
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ultimately -- >> of all the moral compasses to spin around in barack obama's white house, makes your magnetic pole shift. are we on the same page jrchlt it's tacky to not show up. i think, you know, it's something that you do to be polite. on the other hand, this specific american thing we have, create this where the president is the head of government and the head of state. you're supposed to treat them as a representative of the country. i feel like in other countries, particularly europe, you're allowed to basically say that you hate the prime minister. and not make nice with him. it doesn't count as any reflection on your view of the country. >> it's not like they're going to ask -- they're not asked to talk about the affordable care act or a grand bargain. they're football players who had some great season a bunch of decades ago, and very nicely the president is offering to honor them. >> i think now, a big giant obamacare check. have to hold it like publisher's
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clearinghouse. going to get a nice ceremony from the president, it is tacky. >> a little wine, a little cheese. following the footsteps of boston bruins goalie tim thomas and ravens center matt burk who also snubbed the president. a long line of sports heroes. after the break, a white journalist shot by black nen hoodies who is against stop and frisk. we'll talk with salon's brian beutler about what he learned from the nice he almost died. he joins us next on "now." i don' t want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year
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about his police department's stop and frisk policy yesterday, mayor michael bloomberg referenced comments made by the only black candidate in the race to succeed him. >> i think if i had a son and that son was stopped, why have real questions about it. having said that, i think if i thought long and hard about it, i actually thought bill tomps's said it right. bill thompson said he didn't like stop and frisk but had a son and wanted to make sure the kid didn't get killed. another new york mayoral candidate, bill diblasio surged to the top of the pack and outspoken in his opposition to the policy. >> there are hundreds of thousands of new yorkers who have never experienced stop and frisk. we falked about it many times. about the fact some day you will be stopped. parents all oesht city are having that conversation with their kids. >> the debate over stop and frisk has largely taken place along predictable ideological lines. the "wall street journal" opposed the federal judge's recent ruling as strenuously as the "new york times" championed it. with that dynamic upended on
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social media when a tweet from former white house selfer criticism for his defense of the policy. penn stopped several timing and a gun pointed at his head twice wrote, it's a sound policy, and we need to stop trying to get rid of it. later in response to a critic, penn added, and who, sadly, commits and are victims of the most crimes? as a twitterers erupted how a minority to support a divisive policy, he broke his silence about his own experience with gun violence. in an article entitled "what i learned from getting shot" beutler describes his near fatal mugging in 2008. while the incident scarred him both physically and emotionally, it didn't change his views. "being a victim of gun violence doesn't have to turn you into a supporter of racial profiling. everyone who's ever shot me was black and wearing a hoodie. there just aren't any reasonable
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ir inferences to draw from that." joining me, from salon, brian boytener and thanks for joinings program and an interesting take on stop and frisk and the implications of racial profiles. i want to ask you on a personal level, what was it like to go through a shooting and how did you come to being where you are now which is to say against stop and frisk and against policies that are incredibly racially motivated at their core? >> going through the shooting, it hurt. it hurt really baldly. it really disrupted my life, particularly for the six-month stretch right after it. i had pretty major surgery. i was fairly emobilized for about three months during which i lost the job that i had at the time. i had to move out of the house that i lived in, in washington, d.c. so it really kind of threw my life into a -- it could, i suppose, have really changed the trajectory of my career, my
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life, of the decisions that i made for myself for a future family, whatever. it turn pd out not to do that, and part of that was just luck. part of it was telling myself that i liked where i was headed. i had thoughts, thought pretty hard about how i viewed the world and wasn't going to let what happened change that unless somehow it really convinced me i'd been looking at things the wrong way and i thought about it more and sort of came to realize that you know, it's one thing to say it makes sense for law enforcement to direct resources to these neighborhoods, another to say just because the person who shot me was black and the person of my friends was black, probably most black people are criminals and therefore we should has res twhem they're minding their own business on the street. >> brian, it takes a lot of self-awareness and discipline to say i'm not going to let this change my attitudes or change the way i walk down the street when i see people of color
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passing by or it's nighttime. i'm not going to allow this to influence or inform my world view. there must have been times when that rein easy? >> well, so i don't think that i -- i didn't walk away from that taking no lessons. i wouldn't repeat what i did, in 2008. i think i did a couple things that were pretty stupid. i think that if -- even if the risk of doing a certain activity, walking up a certain dark street at night, isn't actually very risky, that you can do it hundreds of times and never get shot. if it's more risky than the well-lit street, take the well-lit street or take a cab. these are reasonable things for feel do to keep themself safe and reduce if even a little bit's risk they will end up mugged, shot or stabbed or hurt in any way. i have changed some behaviors. i would draw a sharp distinction between the things people do to keep themselves safe or to maintain a feeling of safety and what law enforcement does what
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policymakers do to create a sense in a they are keeping people like myself safer thapd there are good things they do, bad thing dhes do in that realm and stop and frisk just happens to be one that is both unjust and also not very effective. >> joy, we're having a long, big sort of national debate over, well, the role of race in america. the role of race in the justice system, whether or not we are a color blind society, and i think the thing that's sort of ignored, look at statistics on stop and frisk and 83% or 89% stopped are minorities. people found on the ground, guilty in some way are incredibly low, given the seizures of minorities. we don't talk about the long-term effects of policies are like this on a community? and the "huffington post" an argument, it's similar to an occupation. the long-term indissension far more harm to a community than
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all the good than those who subscribe to it. they're emotionally charged. if 6% of those stopped are arrested that means 94% are merely harassed and humiliated, reminded they live in occupied territory and left to nurture bitterness toward the police. >> i keep in mind we're talking about 500,000 stops in 2012, and if the rate of stops of african-americans is 147 stops to 1 naern actually has something, you're talking 146 people each time say are you're just being stopped. in a community where people already distrust the police. a negativism for police walking around. so people understand, mow mass shooters are white young men. the columbine shooter. when i sgee a public building every white man irnd 30 will be stopped and padded down? that policy would last 24 hours. white america would never stand to have every white man presumed to be a mass murderer, because
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they fit that profile. that's the only logic left behind stop and frisk because there's no empirical data to find it's a way to find drugs or guns or criminaling. >> how effective, whether or not in having these policies we're missing other kinds of crimes. more than 26,000 stopped made last year for alleged marijuana offenses. 61% were african-americans and only 9% were whites, but surveys show whites are equally or more likely than blacks to be marijuana users. police don't find white pot head because they're not looking for them. >> i would say do we really need to be looking for white pot heads or any, for that matter. >> white pot head exist. they are not being stopped and searched like black people are? >> enforcement to crimes is a racially divided thing in america. i think that's less of an issue with violent crime in cities, where the enforcement seems to be basically in line with the
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amount of incidents and the stop and frisk is at least nom neainy against crime. it's not a weapon you find but drugs. what i find strange is bloomberg, and the bloomberg administration, they understand these objections but say, look, this saves lives and prevents crimes. that's why we need to do it. if they sincerely do that, i don't know why they can't martial a b marshal a better case for this. most of the decline in violent crime in new york came during the dickens and giuliani administrations before they were vastly stepped up like under bloomberg. the conclusion i draw, it's not an effective policy for preventing crime. if it's not, we don't need to get to the costs and benefits. if they're not significant
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benefits to the policy. >> great on this issue, written really compelling essays on it. richard cone defended stop and frisk in the pages of "the washington post" to tank and said it does not matter the vast majority of black men commit to crime at all. the majority should unduly bear the burden because of who lishes among us. cohen says it's a violation but one he believes black people for the good of country must learn to live effectively, arguing for a kind of racist public safety tax. put it that way, among people with certain skin colors? >> i think that's right. what you're saying before. you were reading from his article is that the vast majority of black people don't commit any crime. a lot of people who are being stop and frisked aren't doing anything suspicious or dangerous and what the police are finding
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they either have drugs and no weapons on them or nothing. they just get released and are humiliated. the kids who shot me, before they confronted me about my phone, they weren't doing anything i wasn't doing. they were young men walking around on the street. and it happens to be the case that if they had been stopped and frisked, the police would have found a gun, and i probably would have been okay. but i'm the one in 1,000 that the policy would have, you know works have -- i hate to use the word, would have worked for. it would have protected me, but that doesn't mean it's at a reasonable price to ask the community to pay a huge number of them get treated that way, if 1 in 1,000 gets a gun taken away that might or might not have been used to hurt someone. >> to hear that from someone hurt by gun, not hurt, if they'd useed that policy in his case,
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to say that still doesn't make okay. >> right. >> i want to talk about kal penn. the outrage someone not in outrage is equally interesting and worth discussing, interesting because we keep having a debate how do we keep the public safe without targeting them base and who they are? in kal penn's case, cupulled ov because of a stereotype. a tiny percentage of people who are muslim, engage in terrorism. a tine percentage, yet we've had a major debate about the fact does that mean everybody muslim should be targeted, pulled aside at airport? always check them more? presume they're guilty? we've come to the conclusion, eving during the bush administration, no. that is wrong. i don't understand why people can't understand in the case of stop and frisk it's the same issue. yes, there are some that commit crimes of all races and ethnicity, that doesn't mean to onpoint, everyone in the room
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should pay a price and taxed for it. swrep to find a way to let police be police. do police work. figure out who the bad guy, in the community. during the administration and the previous ray kelly in the police departmentance did it through community policing it and worked just as well. ask themselves, why were they able to reduce it and claim now they can only do stop and frisk? it worked before. try it again. >> before i let you go, all of this is part of the broader narrative of the measures we take or the government takes to keep us safe. i don't mean to make too many false -- i make too many on the show. talk about the nsa and terrorism and the security being the american politics, cannot touch the funding for that and sort of walk back any of those policies means your soft on terror. same with crime. we have a policy that is working, but is the it really working? as i said, the long-term psychological effect and the fact that this point really to
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systemic failure in certain communities that begs much more serious policy, i think, than this sort of ad hoc racial fr k frisking. we don't ask though questions around safety and securitiant there's a huge incentive for politics whether the nsa or whether it's stop and frisk in minority communities or high-crime communities that there's a huge incentive for politicians to take steps that at least appear to maybe them look like they're solving a problem that's scaring people, and they're worry fundamental they turn them off or reorient in some way that addresses certain peoples concerns and crime or terrorism goes up, whether there's a causal connection, they'll be the ones to get blamed and themselves unable, even if they read a lot of convincing articles, seat statist statistics, they're unable for fear of their own political livelihoods to walk them back
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and say, okay. this isn't really working or isn't worth the money, the effort, that humiliation of certain people and so forth. >> i think everybody watching this program now and everybody who sees this on the internet shot logon to the story and read it. a great piece. thank you. coming up, you don't have to be main streamed just because you're from maine. the theory straight from the weis ring fringe and why he thinks president obama -- wait for it -- hates white people. that's next. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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while running for governor in 2010, he said this -- >> as your governor, you're going to be seeing a lot of me on the front page saying, governor page tells obama to go to hell. >> they elected that man. we reached out to his office for comment. his communications director responded i will get back to you if we have anything. after the break, a new list ranks the richest members of congress. and guess who's the new king of the hill? hint. car security is a good business to be in. we will reveal congress' very own 1%, next. [ male announcer ] if she keeps serving up sneezes... [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air.
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$355 million to his name, issa is the richest man in congress, according to the hills wellsiest list. he made much of his riches manufacturing the viper car alarm. no word on how much money exchanged hands in issa's insurance settlement for potential arson. after the break, one step forward and two back. so it goes in colorado. we will discuss the rocky mountain state's groundbreaking gun laws and reactionary recalls from journalist david joins us from colorado. next on "now." joint pain and st. accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel,
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rocky mountain recall. five months before signing into law some of the strongest gun safety lauf laws in the nation, in political high gear. next month due to efforts by the nra and other colorado gun rights groups two of the state senators who vote ford stronger
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gun safety measures will face recall elections marking the first-ever legislative recall election in colorado history, and it is already something of a mess. firstly, as senator morris told the denver post, recalls are for unethical behave and not disagreements. not to mention the recall will cost colorado taxpayers $150,000 to $200,000 and last week a district judge issued a ruling that requires most voters to cast ballots in person. even though most colorado voters vote by mail. ultimately what happens in colorado has repercussions beyond the rockies. it's a test whether politicians outside big cities and deep blue coastal states can survive the political fallout of supporting stricter gun laws. joining us from coal, david saroda. as other things related to gun safety meshes this smacks of political opportunism and actual
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policy. why is the nra going after morris -- these two state senators? >> they want to make a statement. the "new york times" alluded to the national implications is right. they want to make a statement using two isolated, i would say, examples to send a message to colorado and to the rest of the country to legislators that if you vote for, i would say, pretty common sense modest gun control measures, you will face a price, and they've selected the right kind of districts, politically speaking. they've select add working class democratic class in pueblo and in the conservative city of colorado springs. so they've chosen democratic seats that are held right now by democrats, but that these culturally conservative wedge issues can be played in to great effect. >> you know, joy, david mentioned with a wink and a nod the -- actually no. he wasn't being facetious.
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these are common sense gun safety laws, and they are, but described by gun rights advocates as outrageous. to be specific, what governor has done is mandated background checks for all private and online gun sales. the fascist he is, and banned magazines that contain more nan 15 rounds of ammo. these are very practical measures. it is a testament to how high tempers run and just how much ground the nra is unwilling to see that there are now recallers for some of the people that voted in support of these guns? >> a sort of neoconfederate thread that runs through the pro-gun movement and the nra movement and trying to pull fwrak federalism in everything but this. when a state decides to pass gun law, no, no. we won't let a its own gun laws. we'll end nag restricts gun overship and go shat by state and do that. trying to challenge it in states like illinois. a sense even states don't have
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the right to restrict gun use within their borders. the nra will come in, helicopter in, and undo that. >> they're the ones coming in the black helicopters? >> that's right. exactly, and the nra has never ban sma been a small government lobby. not buying into the overall conservative government. you saw after newtown, the president of the nra calling for a national database of people with mental illnesses, which should concern people. >> and armed -- >> armed employees. >> yes. >> yeah. so it's anything but restrictions on guns. it's one of these political issues where these sorts of measures are broadly popular, but the people who actually care about them and go into the voting booth on voting day saying the issue i really care about is gun, many are opponents of gun control. the interesting seep to see in the recalls, a law recall at recall election is that a time when gun rights supporters are able to marshal their people out and win these. i would be interested in what
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david thinks? will they be able to hold on to this? >> what is your opinion? will they be successful? >> the ruling you alluded to, the judge's ruling on mail ballots is a real x factor. this is going to be -- normally a low turnout election anyway. now you potentially have a situation where most colorado voters are used to voting by mail are not not able to vote by mail. a potential for many voters to think they're ready to vote on recall elukzs and not realize they're note getting a ballot in the mail. there's a potential for a huge amount of confusion. the problem that you may end up with is, whether these, whether or not these candidates actually survive these elections, these democrats. if they don't survive, the nra will cite this is a national win, even though everything colluded to make it a very, very low turnout election, simply a referendum on whether a tiny segment of the population can be
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motivated to come out to vote on this one set of issues. >> david, we've talked about this in the broader picture of what's going on in colorado with same-sex marriage, with civil unions, with legalizing of marijuana. colorado is very much changing and moving to a more sort of progressive stance, a series of sort of progressive policies that are not in the same vein as what the nra is proposing on gun safety. >> right. look, the republicans are trying to set the stage for a gubernatorial flun 2014 where they argue the state has gone way too far to the left. everybody issue u just listed including gun control measures are modest measures supported by most people in the state. but the republicans are trying to set up a situation saying that john hickenlooper led the state off the left foot. a lot of nonsense but that's their campaign strategy. >> before we let you go, what's the feeling about the governor these days in colorado? >> i think, look, he was something very politically
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popular, seen as unbeatable. and i think the republicans have run a very, a very, i think, at this point, successful campaign to bring down his numbers. i don't think it's going to win. i think he's going to survive, but i think the good news for progressives is he's going to have to survive not by running away from prossive issues but by saying this is my record and i am proud of it and it's a good thing, and it is a good thing. >> i believe his name is latin for, he's a survive perp thanks for your time, as always. >> thank you. coming up for the second time in history, the second time in history, chris and kathleen matthews are sharing an anchor desk. after the desk, we will talk to the co-hosts. it's back to school time and we're talking with diane about the walmart low price guarantee, backed by ad match. you got your list? let's go! look at that price! i like that! they need those for school. wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money getting your kids ready for school bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself.
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thanks to joy and josh, that saul for now. see you back here at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific. until then, follow us an
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twitter@nowwithalex. chris and kathleen matthews, they're next. may i say, i think a master stroke having your beautiful and immensely talented wife co-host wig you. >> a master choice by phil griffin our boss, who came up with this idea and asked kathy to come on and do it's we're going to talk about ted cruz' situation. i am convinced he's an american. natural born american, totally eligible to be president of the united states. enough of this birther nonsense on either side. that's my view. >> also update the situation in egypt following up on some of your interviews there, alex, and actually more on the movie "the butler." which we both saw over the weekend and thought it was terrific. we'll talk to the screenwriter of that. >> keep it up, matthews. we love it. >> thanks. [ man ] look how beautiful it is.
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